
National Trust Donation

I donated a 4ft oil painting from about 2007 ish to the National Trust who are class.

It helped them save Seaton Delavel Hall (I think), I've not been there but I know the National Trust look after all kinds of other cool stuff that I have been to and I've got a lot of time for them.

Click the post title to see other artists who did the same. We're well nice about stuff in the North.


Wambo! This is me. Set phasers to 'wow'.
Drawing taken from an old comic strip and modified with black pen.

Chronicle Article 2008

I made the noos. Article below in repect of the Artworks Galleries giving me a solo space in 2008. I showed a range of newer and older work, which I'll update under the work section as and when I get chance.

Many thanks to Artworks though, they're nice. That's me on the right by the way...

Gallery North 2008

Recent (September '09) Show at Gallery North, Northumbria University with Joel Weaver (http://www.joelweaver.com/) called attitudes to drawing.

I showed about 50 or so drawings which I'd done over the past three or four years and mounted them on little (1ft sq.) frames. I thought it was interesting, but then again, everyone likes the smell of their own farts...

Link below:


APP07 Colour:UDL/Arts Council North East Placement

I did this placement with an urban designers/landscape architects (Colour:UDL) .

Here's an example of some work I did, way prior to that placement, which they've used on their site to reference me.

My actual work was based on researching all kinds of public art/landscape architecture theory and practice. I found it bloody interesting and it kind of forms a lot of my practice now. I'll put more of my research on here at a later date. Suffice to say, it was really worth doing, if a little hard to measure the success of! Link to more below...


Nokia Slideshow

Nokia Drawing Project

I recently did a few drawings on a small nokia mini computery/phone thing with a touch screen. check the link below for some cheeky snifters ...


I don't know the name of it. The program's a little like MS paint, although a lot more basic. The guy who's administering/organising the project is collecting these drawings from loads of different people (kids/artists/loons/politicians/probably a teacher etc...) and he's collating them (I think) to try and make some kind of sense of how people might use drawing on one of these devices to communicate. 'In the future we'll all use devices within an inclusive communicative network infrastructure' is the kind of thing I'm thing here. Cool project. I'll post a link of any results. Well interested to see how it turns out. Sorry if my drawings don't seem to reflect any of the momentum behind the project. I couldn't think what to do! :)


2009 Oil on Paper

Fragment (consider revising) I, 2009, Oil on paper

Fragment (consider revising) II, 2009, Oil on paper

Fragment (consider revising) III, 2009, Oil on paper

Fragment (Consider Revising) IV, 2009, Oil on paper (Detail)

Fragment (consider revising) IV, 2009, Oil on paper (In progress)


Work to come soon...

My current work will be on here soon, expect drawings, paintings and anything else I want to show the world!