
Nokia Drawing Project

I recently did a few drawings on a small nokia mini computery/phone thing with a touch screen. check the link below for some cheeky snifters ...


I don't know the name of it. The program's a little like MS paint, although a lot more basic. The guy who's administering/organising the project is collecting these drawings from loads of different people (kids/artists/loons/politicians/probably a teacher etc...) and he's collating them (I think) to try and make some kind of sense of how people might use drawing on one of these devices to communicate. 'In the future we'll all use devices within an inclusive communicative network infrastructure' is the kind of thing I'm thing here. Cool project. I'll post a link of any results. Well interested to see how it turns out. Sorry if my drawings don't seem to reflect any of the momentum behind the project. I couldn't think what to do! :)

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